Saturday, February 9, 2019

Return & Travels

SO. As you, the peanut gallery of NANCY NEGATIVES and WANNABE Psychologists, have CLEARLY NOTED. I'm back.

Good to know Spinner lost fucking INTEREST in the job I gave him, only after TWO GODDAMN WEEKS. Which... You know, isn't SURPRISING, just disappointing. WHATEVER. Who cares. This isn't about him and his little science project. This is about ME. This about FATHER. This is about the things I do for Father. Heheheh.

I take too much vacation time.

SO, I am fully recovered from the... Psychological issues I had been dealing with, and I've gotten some work done since I regained consciousness. Seems everyone's favorite Torturer/Cannibal/Monster Freak Show/TRAITOR/Serial Killer Who people, for some reason seemed to personally LIKE, despite being CLEARLY worse than I've ever been, has put up the details of that... Little meeting, thank-you for trying dinner, thing. She covered everything that happened adequately enough. Not much more to add, really. I tried to be nice, I really did. Offered to repair crippling disfigurements and was told to go fuck myself. Tell me, why is it that whenever I am trying to be nice to someone, no one fucking appreciates it. It really isn't fair, you know.

Oh Well. Guess the only solution is to stop being nice.

It was a useful little trip though. The big bad Wolf turns out is actually kinda short. Like 5'4" or so. Also I thought she wore a mask? Guess she ditched it when coming back. Can't really blame her, though, because her face seems to fulfill the same function. Some weird red... Thread things, I guess they are, kinda stitched through her entire face. Around the eyes and mouth and shit. Don't know how they biologically work, or what they are. She smiles, they move. It's weird. She also didn't wear shoes. In Canada. In the Winter. So that's a thing. No nails either, fingers or toes. I have no idea why. She still has hair, though. Maybe someone more scientifically inclined can explain that one to me... Unless it isn't hair... Hmmm.

 I can also confirm there is a mouth on her stomach, and she can eat using it. The world has gotten weird, hasn't it? I'll fix that little problem soon enough.

Kristy and Hart both have the stitching shit too, so I assume Wolf fixed them up after Osprey's shit-show of a ceremony. Really should have checked to see what that shit was, but I figured dissecting Wolf might get me, you know, incinerated. Another time, I guess... I also probably should have picked a fight with either Hart or Kristy. See what they can do, how they were trained and shit. I distinctly recall a number of posts mentioning sparring, so that might have told me a bit about how they and, more importantly, Wolf actually fight. Though, once again, my innocent curiosity probably would have gotten me BURNED.

Also DISAPPOINTED yet again in the peanut gallery and their little comments. I MERCY-KILLED that prisoner. No other way of looking at it, she was suffering and I put her out of her misery. I am SUCH A NICE GUY. But do I get any recognition for that act of mercy? No. And I guranFUCKINGtee you people will STILL think that Mutt and her puppies are better people than me. I don't GET IT. I have done NOTHING Wolf wouldn't do, and yet I'm the BAD GUY. This is David Banks shit all over again. Why did people like that guy? WHY? He RAPED PEOPLE. HE MURDERED PEOPLE. GOOD PEOPLE. INNOCENT PEOPLE. PEOPLE LIKE YOU, READER. YES YOU. BEHIND THAT SCREEN. NOT YOU KELEVRA, YOU BANDAGED FUCK. AND NOT THE WOLF PACK. I MEAN YOU, ANONYMOUS RANDOM READER WHO STUMBLED ACROSS THIS. Tell me, why is it that I am so fucking REVILED and people like Banks and Wolf are treated with SUCH FUCKING COURTESY AND SUPPORT AND UNDERSTANDING. It makes me want to VOMIT. And then KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

Which, mind you, I intended to do regardless of your support for rapists and torturers.

ANYWAY, the food was good, and I will admit... I kind of miss it already. I can't cook for shit, and people are well... Here's a fun fact for you. I promised to be honest on this little blog, so here goes... I don't actually LIKE the taste of people all that much. Kinda greasy at the best of times, and frequently tastes like bad tuna. I never DID like it that much. I will eat it, sure... But give me chicken any day of the week over long-pig. For a while there, a lot of that talk about me eating people... I really only did it because, well, that shit was expected of me. Tensor basically recruited me while I was still gnawing on Dad's arm. That kinda of gives you a reputation going into things, and... Well. In this career, it never hurts to try and live up to that reputation. Helps you survive in the world. And that is actually my advice to new Proxies out there: Find your gimmick, and embrace it. The moment you join the family, you stop being John, or Diana, or whoever, and you start being a new person. The Mask helps with that, I think.

You know Sanna, you really ought to start wearing a mask, yourself. I mean... As you are right now, are you really worth anything? Just a broken little dolly. Why not put on a mask, huh? Make something new out of yourself. A new name, a new face, a new fate. Blank Slate. The World is your oyster. You should give it a try.

But yeah, that little dinner with the ex-family wasn't the only thing I've been doing. Remember how I was chasing a fucker from Europe back home to the states? Well, that College I tracked him to is a fascinating place. Basically a fucking Cult town, only the Cult doesn't really understand what it is worshiping. There is this guy, Thomas Corvin. Pitiful fucker. Rich as hell, but only vaguely aware of the horrible, wonderful, truths all around him. He knows about Father, but is unlucky enough to have NEVER BEEN BLESSED by him. He isn't a runner, he isn't a proxy. He is, effectively, nobody. Father didn't feel he was worth his time, or something. And God DAMN does that rustle his three-thousand dollar jimmies. Or however much they are worth... What are "jimmies" anyway?

... Oh. Shit. They might be... Slaves? Ah. That's a bit awkward. Probably gonna stop using that phrase now... The more you know?

Anywho, this Corvin guy, he has been trying his DAMNDEST to get Father or another of the Great Ones to notice his ass. Even named a fraternity at that College, which he owns, after the Timberwolves. Because getting the Archangel to notice you sounds like a REALLY good idea. He also plasters all sorts of shit around the college grounds that he thinks might attact Fear attention... And yeah. It does kind of work. A lot of Runners come out of that College. An ideal hunting ground, but... Honestly. If you kill off the breeding ground, the population suffers. So we've let it be for the past few years.

Now Corvin, as a wealthy modern day occultist, knows a lot of other people interested in this sort of thing. The very Alexandre Loreid I am looking for is one such person, and we speculated he stole the THING I AM NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT and brought it to Corvin for some kind of ritual.

Well, we couldn't have that. So, when I woke up, I paid the college a little visit. Nothing spectacularly obvious, of course. I just walked in and went into every place the staff told me I couldn't be in. Not like they could stop me, right? Hehehehe.

The... Chambers beneath the College are particularly interesting... Old, well-preserved, and devoted to things other than what was typically worshiped by Native Americans in the area. More on that... Another time, I think. We're honestly still taking inventory for the things we recovered from that site... But for now, I will simply say, that the increased activity of Father and the others, over the past decade or so, has had a notable effect on the amount of raw azoth just laying around. The dumbass runners are basically walking azoth factories, and if they knew at all how to use it... Man, would the world be a different place.

Corvin and Loreid though... They seem to know what to do with it, and were conspicuously NOT FUCKING THERE when I arrived. So that is my current top priority. Then I can start dealing with my fellow walking corpses...


  1. Fascinating. Good luck against Corvin and Loreid, dear.

    I am glad you enjoyed the meal, my little lost sibling. If I ever get the opportunity to prepare another for you, I will cook chicken.

    Must confess, I have wondered at people's attitudes, myself. I figure it comes down to politeness. Knowing when to say "please" and "thank you" and keeping a pleasant tone will get you surprisingly far.

    1. My GOD people are fucking stupid.

    2. On the subject of KnitWolf... her sympathetic qualities are somewhat more evident. Pardon the pun, but she's taken a few more chances to Pet The Dog than you have. Ironically, several of those involved emotionally supporting Dia Renalda, after she'd been tortured by Banks. Choosing not to eat that baby might be another, and may be more relevant to this discussion of "why might people like her more than you?" Considering that, by way of contrast, you're associated with the phrase "Flaming Baby Baseball."

      Of course, another thing she has that you don't is a lover. Putting aside the debate of how much of that is due to her own free will, the fact that they seem to have found "twu wuv" makes them that much more sympathetic.

      Since her revival, though, her strange interactions with Azoth may be another reason she's so beloved. I don't think it's intrinsically a good thing. Microwaves can be used to reheat your food, but they can also cook you alive. Knives can cut living flesh just as well as the dead kind. The truth can set you free, and also drive you mad.

      Love can bring out the best in you, or drive you to do unspeakable horrors.

  2. I actually don't get it myself, to be completely honest with you. I think the reason people disliked you so much was because you took TOO MUCH enjoyment in the horrible things you did? Like you could be polite, but in contrast to how much joy you expressed when torturing people and etc. might have given people the impression that your politeness wasn't genuine. I believe that was the same reason people disliked me for, but they disliked me in an annoying type of way, that was until I would pay a visit to them, then they would dislike me in a hateful way, you seemed to achieve that effect without the need of visits.

    I never trusted David, I remember he was trying to be this guardian for Minxie, it annoyed me, without realizing it, the idiot was doing more harm to her than anybody else, because he gave her this false hope of safety, which is a dangerous thing to think for people in our position. You kept Minxie on her toes Starman and gave her one hell of an experience that she will never forget and will learn from, sure she hates you as a result, but through that experience she learned, wtf did Banks ever do? Nadda, zilch, donut.

    However, I must ask. Why do you care Starman? That people liked David more than you? Is it because his little theater play at portraying a good guy, was far more successful than yours, back in the day? Does it annoy you that people could so easily forget the good things you've done and immediately demonize you? Seems kind of unfair right? But I'm rambling.

    This rich fuck sounds a lot like Dimir, only to my surprise, a lot more pathetic, at least Dimir had a reason for the grand delusions that crawled around in his head, this guy never even encountered our tall friend, what a moron, I already hate him.

    1. What is the POINT of doing all these wonderful, TERRIBLE, things if you can't enjoy them? Honestly, this shit speaks to a lack of empathy on their parts... In my shoes, they wouldn't do anything differently.

      Banks seemed to like playing hero. Appealed to his fucking ego, or something. Never understood the guy.

      I don't care all THAT much, but MAN can you imagine it if those IDIOTS liked me as much as they liked Banks? Imagine the fun I could have, just walking up to Runners and NOT being treated with immediate hostility... The double standards here just kind of PISS ME OFF, I guess.

  3. Fine, you’re baiting me clearly, so I’ll bite: why are you always referring to me as a dolly? What the hell is doll-like about me? I’m not into the weird ass aesthetics like you guys, I don’t do masks, I’m not gonna wear a stupid ass hat, is that a crime?

    1. Heheheheh. Not baiting, just some good, honest, advice.

    2. Useless pageantry? That’s your advice?
