Monday, January 14, 2019

Advancement of Knowledge

Morningstar's condition continues to improve. His mass has recovered to the density it possessed prior to the surgery. Restoring the complexity of its structure is, however, a seemingly slower task. I confess myself quite curious as to why this is the case. Azoth can be anything, in any form, at any time, provided it has the raw material necessary to facilitate transmutation. I can think of no obvious physical reasons why it would be having such difficulty reforming the complex structures it had before. 

Rest assured, they are indeed forming at a steady pace, but it should be instantaneous. Unless, of course, there is a reason beyond the mere physical at play. It may be that forming a structure as complex as a mind requires... An easing in? It could be that there would be some form of psychological side-effects if the mind simply popped back into existence all of a sudden. But this pure speculation.

More concrete are my observations regarding the transmutation process itself. That this mass of azoth alone can and will become Morningstar, would imply that the Attendants somehow imprinted the memory of Morningstar onto the raw azoth. Which seems impossible, until we remember that Morningstar's remains were somehow fused with the azoth. But how did they get it to stick? It should have been reduced to prima materia for the azoth to have  such a reaction... I fear finding an answer would force me to go far beyond mere chemistry into the realm of physics, which is not my area of expertise. Some energy, some radiation... Some Other. Consistent transmutation of azoth... Anyone capable of that can grasp godhood. 

But more importantly, my toxin can be perfected, if I could just discover the secret. Lead into gold, steel into flesh, blood into bile... Serenity into fear. I might even be able to introduce terror to places where it could not previously be found. Kelevra is incapable of feeling emotions, or he claims... But if I discover this secret, I could change that. Introduce a strain of my toxin that bond with him, and introduce fear into the structure that is his mind. And if I could do that to even him, imagine what I could do to actual humans. I am close, I am so very close... 

I suppose, when I discover the secret, I should also attempt its use on the zilvra found within that accursed city. If it can alter the zilvra in a similar matter to the azoth, there is likely no limit to what kind of foreign azoth-equivalent it can affect. Thus potentially ridding us of the KnitWolf issue...

I wonder if the Creature itself possesses some extra-universal azoth equivalent that provides it with form... Given its reaction to the Quiet... If the process could affect zilvra, it might even be able to affect the Creature, giving me mastery over the gods themselves... But that strikes me as rather a long shot. It is perhaps best to aim low, for now. 



  1. I don't believe that I have heard of Zilvra... What is it?

    Heh... "Mastery over the gods"? Well you can certainly attempt it, dear, though I doubt you will survive it... Or if you do, you will likely wish you had not.

    1. As I said, it is an unlikely outcome. Well worth the attempt, if indeed possible, but very unlikely. Especially when considering I am attempting to discover methods already known to the Attendants, who we hypothesize to be far beneath The Creature. But... That does not necessarily mean the method cannot work, as there might be other factors in play that would prevent the Attendants from controlling their creators.


    2. @KnitWolf Well, no good would come of you coming into contact with any. That much is clear after skimming your blog.

  2. "It perhaps best to aim low, for now." Disappointing Doc, you strike me as someone who is a wild seeker of knowledge, as such, it is very saddening to hear you say "Best aim low for now".

    NEVER aim low Doc, always aim high, fuck the odds.

    You're always welcome to come and experiment by the way, I enjoy the company, although, I make no promises of letting you do your job calmly.

    1. If all things turn out as I hope, I will be able to afford a patient approach. Alchemists of old sought Azoth for use in transmutation, in the hopes of creating the elixir of life. From what I have seen of Morningstar, that capability is quite possible indeed.

      Your brief exposure to my toxin has provided all the data I currently require from you. Should still be around during the later phases, I would certainly enjoy experimenting with your unique existence. Your permission would be irrelevant, and attempts at resistance, at that stage, would be quite futile.


    2. There we go, that's the type of talk I want to hear from people, sure of themselves and ready to do anything it takes to achieve their goal.

      Maybe futile and maybe not, don't forget doc, events don't stay still whilst you're experimenting over there, shit changes every second, what you think worked before, may not work again.
