Sunday, December 9, 2018


Overestimated myself, I think...

I see Kelly didn't get the same treatment I did from whoever that was. Let me tell you... I don't appreciate the interference. But I guess it doesn't really matter. I can't even bring myself to be all that upset.

His post sums up our scuffle pretty well, though he definitely downplayed the ass kicking he was getting. I was SO close to killing him, and that parasite... I should have tried focusing on snuffing out Fortissimo's life first, you know? That would have broken Kelly, if there is anything left to break. Really bring out the animal in him, before the bitter bitter end. Never killed a dead man before, you know.

And probably I should have killed Lord Vader, myself, for the hell of it. Fucker had a VERY hard time concealing his contempt for me, and the things I can do. Probably rooted in jealousy, you know. You think you're so very devout, and suddenly you see someone who is literally closer to God in every way. Must be quite the blow to his ego. Hopefully Kelly burned down the whole fucking building, and all those idiots in it. Put them all out of our misery. Heheheh.

I REALLY FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT, YOU KNOW? I've been feeling weird since the fight, and I can't put my finger on what the hell is actually wrong. Spinner and Gleeman have been talking about me all week. Whispering. I don't really care... They're as insignificant as everything else on this godforsaken hellhole of a world. Maybe I should just kill them both right now. I guess I was planning on saving them for near the end, with everyone else who was useful to me. All of them need to die for what they are, what they've done. I hate them. You know? I really hate them all.

They REALLY shouldn't talk about someone behind THEIR BACK. IT'S RUDE. And I have MURDERED people for less. TORTURED EVEN.

Just like those IDIOTS downstairs. Maybe eating THEM will make me feel better. It's like... Like I don't feel comfortable in my own SKIN right now. I DON'T EVEN HAVE SKIN ANYMORE... You know, maybe it was something Spooky McGhostbitch did to me, during the teleport. Messed with my control somehow, keeping me on EDGE. Need to figure out what the hell she was... How to kill it. REALLY deserves it for messing with my head. I hate not being in control, being MANIPULATED like this. And for what? Something that won't pan out, I am sure. Not in the long run. Nothing, NOTHING works out in the long run. Especially since, sooner or later, I will finally put a fucking end to this entire galactic shitstain of a species.

Right. I... Probably should mention my game plan going forward. Opportunity to kill Kelly seems to be fucking lost. I could track his ass down again, sure, but... Who's to say we won't get INTERRUPTED AGAIN... That leaves the Loreid situation and the Wolf Pack. Yeah... OH. Right. When I got back to the office, Jimmy wallowing in his own filth or whatever it is he does when I am away for long periods of time. A letter was delivered though, addressed to ME, and with it was a fucking DOLLY. Knitted. Said Dolly, was of ME.

The letter itself had a picture of GUESS FUCKING WHO holding said dolly, and read THUSLY.

"Dearest Scratch,

I hope this package reaches you safely.

Please accept his little gift and allow me to formally extend an invitation to dinner.

I do hope you will join us, my little lost sibling. I am an excellent cook and I suspect it has been a while since your last decent meal.

So lets share a meal before we try to kill each other, like civilized people.



Well, goodness, gracious me. With such a polite invitation, how could I refuse? Name a date, Knitty, and I promise I'll be right over. Gonna request it be AFTER I get over this SHIT that whatsherfuck did to me. Wouldn't want you to catch this shit if it happens to be contagious. Really spoil all the after dinner fun, and we certainly can't have THAT, now can we? Really been looking forward to meeting you and your... Family.

SO, while I wait. That leaves this Loreid shit. Its been a while since the initial... God that shit is boring. Dull, dull, dull. He stole a FUCKING ROCK from a bigger CRUMBLING PILE of rocks. He won't succeed, and he can't even READ it, so who the fuck cares. I don't see Father caring. Fuck it. They can take care of it themselves. If they find him, good, sure. Let me know. I'll go kill his ass and whoever he is working with. But I have better things to do than going on meaningless hunts.

Or... Fuck. Fuck it. Maybe I'll feel like it when I get over this... StuckintheAlpsitis.


  1. Ah, excellent! Get well soon, dear. I look forward to finally meeting you as well.

    I must say, I am a little surprised that being manipulated in such a way would bother you. Would have thought you would surely be used to that by now.

    1. Shows what you know.

      Guessing your litter of puppies aren't as thrilled to meet me as you are?

    2. Heh, no, indeed not. But they will tolerate it

    3. Yeah dude, this is kind of her thing- meeting with assholes who want to kill her. I don't fucking get it, but I'll put up with it for her sake

    4. Fine line between bravery and stupidity. Arrogance and confidence. Guess we'll see what side of the line Knitty falls on, huh.

      Worried you might pay the price, if things don't go so well, Hart?

    5. Nah man, I know your going to try to kill us whether we have dinner or not. I just don't get why she wants to feed or play nice with you at this point

    6. Hm, I suppose I haven't made myself very clear, have I? I'm sorry dear. I will attempt to explain it here as I'm sure others are curious as well.

      There are a few reasons why I have extended this invitation. Scratch apparently did attempt to help you, when Osprey had you. I feel I owe him something in return. Scratch has had a hard life, in a way that is close to my own heart. He sought revenge, as did I, which brought him to serve Ritter. However, unlike me, he has had his will taken from him as well as his body. I cannot help but be sympathetic to his plight. Therefore, I wish to show him some small kindness. Also, much in the same way I was pleased to meet with Kelevra, I would like to meet with him in order to get to know him better, as he interests me.

    7. Fire took my body, but my WILL is still my own. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU IDIOTS THAT? I am NOT a Pawn. I am NOT being controlled. I am doing this of my OWN FREE FUCKING WILL.

      You. Don't. Owe. Me. SHIT. I tried to help out FAMILY. And I FAILED. And then you fuckers STOPPED being FAMILY. We are enemies now, destined to inevitably fight to the death.

      Now meeting with me to see how I tick, and how I work. THAT makes some sense. Careful though, you aren't the only one capable of making observations about others.

    8. If I am truly mistaken then why are you so upset, Scratch? Seems to me that you simply do not like having your self deceit acknowledged as such and brought out into the... light of the morning

    9. Har-Dee fucking Har.

      I'm ANNOYED that you keep bringing up the same idiotic SHIT over and over again. Telling me how I LACK free WILL. And no matter how many times I tell you idiots how that ISN'T THE CASE, you just don't fucking listen.

      I'm telling you the sky is blue, and you are telling me it is goddamn PURPLE, and no matter how many times I tell you the sky is blue, you just LAUGH it off and cling to your idiotic notion that the sky is, in fact, purple.

      I feel like SHIT too. So my tolerance for this dumbassery is through the fucking basement into CHINA.

    10. Well, it's difficult to believe what you're telling me when you come of as utterly unconvinced, yourself. But perhaps it is the limited nature of communicating through text. When you come to dinner, look me in the eyes and tell me again. Perhaps we'll both believe it then.

      Poor dear, you should get some rest. Can you do that? Do you have a place to lay down... or maybe a nice bucket to sink into, given your state?

    11. Only one of us needs convincing, my friend.

      A bucket really isn't big enough. Did you not read Kelevra's little post about our first battle? The gas opened his mind up and let him see what I really am, now. I'll be sure to add you and your family to the collection, when I am done with you. It will be interesting to see what that thing that is a part of you does, when it becomes part of me. Father is Father, but every child has to grow up sometime, I suppose. Heheheh.

    12. Heh hehehehehehe oh Scratch. Was that a threat towards Ritter? Because that is very much what it sounded like. How curious. Were I to become part of you, we would both be out of the family... but perhaps... given your threat, that is what you wish?

    13. I... No. No. I would never. I... Think, I might need to talk to some people above me. Sort this... Problem out. Because there is a problem.

      No. No No. This won't do at all. I HATE this. I think. This is that... Hesperus SHIT all over again, isn't it? They patched that shit up, I thought...

      And besides... I could consume you. And then eject that thing back outside the threshold, where it belongs. I wouldn't have to keep it. That's the beauty of this form. I don't have to keep it. Back out into that eternal nothingness... The Quiet. So very peaceful there, you ought to see it sometime.

    14. You need to talk to people above you? Why? to get rid of those bad thoughts? Oh, but you're not a manipulated pawn remember? Surely then you can handle it yourself according to your own free will... Right?

      I doubt you could separate that thing from me, but...if you could... If you could expel it... It sounds like you might not choose to do so

  2. Oh, so you’re alive or something like it, fucking great. You have a certain showmanship when you fight, don’t you? Might be your downfall when facing someone who just goes right for the jugular.

  3. Feeling weird huh, WELL TAKE A NUMBER.

    I am actually happy that I didn't get TO RIP YOU TO SHREDS FROM WITHIN. Since now you're paying a visit to the Wolf and we have a golden opportunity to maybe see one more of her artistic masterpieces. Maybe we'll get a sequel to Carmine OH THAT WOULD BE JUST GRAND Heheh.

